About Me

I am a self-taught photographer and painter, a globetrotter in constant discovery and learning. I was born in Argentina and I have traveled with my camera around the world. I am currently exploring urban photography and, in painting, portraits.

When I immerse myself in my creative process, whether through the camera or the brush, everything transforms. Days and places blur, boundaries disappear, and time becomes an abstract and irrelevant concept.

In that state, the ego dissipates, and I merge with the environment, without filters or definitions, without thoughts or judgments about people and the world around me. The need to find meaning in what happens disappears, but what would life be without meaning? Perhaps through art, I can discover it: navigating through a senseless world, letting it reveal itself, and thus, each work becomes a journey of exploration.

An engineer by choice and an artist by nature, I am convinced that life is a constant discovery, where art is a means to develop mindfulness and explore more deeply into myself and the world around me.

My intention is to create works that inspire and motivate others to immerse themselves in a process of introspection through art.


Email Address: eugeniallanez@gmail.com

Phone Number: +54 911 3318 0739

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